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Mala Zebra Layouts by Katana Man A complete menu tree, including layouts, menu snaps, backgrounds, transparent images, and even Photoshop .psd files!
The Zebra Mala Tree has 3 levels (tiers): Main Menu
Downloads Please save my bandwidth, take only what you need. Menu backgrounds (.png files - 1.11 MB) Menu Snaps (.png files - 9.92 MB) Company logos (.png files - 0.11 MB) Everything (All of the above, including menu backgrounds, menu snaps, logos, plus Mala layouts and directories - 14.8 MB)
DO NOT download the following unless you have Adobe Photoshop and plan to modify the images. Adobe Photoshop: Menu Backgrounds (.psd files - 1.46 MB)
Instructions If you downloaded the "Everything" file, then you should know that Mala is expecting the layouts to be in: D:\front_end\mala\layouts If you want to use this directory structure, then run MalaTree.exe -> File -> Directories and change the "Layout Directory" to D:\front_end\mala\layouts. You are done. If you do not want to use this directory structure, then each of the .mll layout files must be altered. You can do this 1 of 2 ways. Either edit each layout manually using the MalaLayout.exe program. Or, you can edit the .mll files with a text editor and fix the paths. A sweet text editor like UltraEdit let's you do all files in 1 fell swoop using the "Replace In Files" feature.
Special Thanks I have not made many game list backgrounds yet. In the meantime, the backgrounds used are thanks to John Crouse, Stuzza, and other MAMEWAH skin makers from the ScreenshotArchive. Enjoy! A $2 PayPal donation to help pay for the bandwidth would be greatly appreciated.